Lupine publishers | Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition
Needless to mention the ever
increasing pressure on cultivated land for food & commercial crops,
diminishing the area for forage production. RCBD five treatments with three
replications experiment compared maize grown as sole crop with maizecowpea
intercropped to assess agronomic, nutritional and economic returns of forage
production. Average plant performance ranged 122.85-174.19cm maize plant
height; 20.7-26.4cm ear length, & number of leaves/maize plant was
9.13-10.52. The effect of intercropping treatments on maize forage yield was
significant (P<.05), however, there was no significant difference in grain
yield among the cropping systems though T5 yielded higher and higher 100 maize
grains weight followed by T4 yield and 21.74g average 100 maize grain weight;
T3 (3.05ton/ha) and 21.84g average 100 maize seeds and the least in yield was
actually the sole maize T2 (2.24ton/ha), confirming that intercropping has at
least, some scenario better than sole cropping practices. There was no
significant soil NPK effect pre-sowing and postharvest.
Nutritionally, feed quality of maize
parts was significant difference among the intercropping systems that stated in
their descending value of cowpea hay, as follows: NDF (T3>T1>T5>T4);
ADF (T1>T5>T3>T4) and typical in CP. lignin content
(T1>T5>T4>T3), while IVDMD% (T3>T4>T5>T1). NDF content was
significantly higher in maize stem and least in grain. Maize husk significantly
over dominated in ADF content than stem, leaf and grain in descending order.
ADF content was great significant in the entire parts that maize husk has
higher than stem which exceeds leaf. Grain was the least in ADF content of all
maize parts. Similarly, maize stem was significantly higher in lignin than
husk, leaf and grain. LER was 1.45 in the mixtures indicating yield advantage
over sole crops. T4 has the potential for enhancing cowpea and maize
performances. Favourable seasons for better DM yield and chemical composition
of both crops should be researched.
Keywords: Maichew, Forage, Maize-Cowpea Intercropping, Yield, Chemical
Abbrevations: BCR: Benefit Cost Ratio, MAI: Monetary Advantage Index
and Justification
Farming systems in most Africa is
under serious threat due to increasing population growth and environmental
degradation. The difficulty has highlighted the need to take an overall view of
land management that is not limited only to livestock & crop production
systems but also includes the need to conserve natural resources. Currently,
arable farming is expanding at the expense of traditional grazing land. This is
putting pressure on grazing resources resulting inadequate feed resource for
livestock both in terms of quality and quantity [1]. Belete [2] also reported
that production increases resulted from expanding cultivated area not from
increasing yield, despite the fact that the land frontier, especially in the
highlands, has shrunk. Under these situations, development of integrated
forage-cereal-livestock systems offers method of accommodating & improving
crop - livestock production systems [3]. Although farmers often appreciate the
need for fertilizer inputs, the demand isn’t effective due to high prices,
insecure supplies, and in some cases because farmers have a high aversion to
the risks associated with food production in marginal agroclimatic &socioeconomic
conditions. Fertilizer prices at farm gate are also excessively high due to
thin markets, lack of domestic production capacity, poorly developed
infrastructure, and inefficient production systems [4].
of the Problem
90% of animal feed supply is
expected from natural range. This however, is available in marshy areas,
rift-valleys, mountain scarves which are also diminished from time to time
because of overstocking, overgrazing, and frequent droughts. Due to ever
increasing pressure on cultivated land for food and commercial crops, it may
not be possible to increase the area for forage production [5]. Integration gap
in livestock-crop interactions created problems facing forage development in
Ethiopia acting bottleneck to livestock productivity [6]. Growing of forage
legumes intercropping enables to use the small farm land for both crop and feed
production. The system offers a potential for increasing fodder without
appreciable reduction of grain production.
of the Study
1. To evaluate effect of maize and
cowpea mixtures on the agronomic practice,
2. To determine impact of
intercropping on nutritional content of the crop parts, and
3. To assess forage production
potential of maize and cowpea intercropping on economic returns
Materials and Methods
of the Study Area
The research was conducted in
Maichew ATVET farm land, from July 20- December 30, 2011, located at 12°47’ N
latitude 39°32’ E longitude, 2450m.a.s.l. It has 600-800mm rainfall, 12- 24oC
temperature, and 80% relative humidity. The hottest months are April-June with
average 22.92°C; whereas the coldest months are November- January with 12.47°C
on average. The district is situated about 120km south of Mekelle city, North
of Ethiopia. In the highland mixed crop livestock farming system, maize, and
wheat, normal barley, 6 row barley (“Abiy-ekli”), Teff, pulses such as dekoko,
chickpea, vetch, beans and peas are the main cash crops in the zone. Despite
the mountainous terrain which limits availability of cultivable land, the combination
of fertile soils, adequate rainfall and suitable temperatures produce good
yields which make this zone food sufficient comparatively.
Design and Treatments
Five treatments (two monocultures
and three mixtures of maize & cowpea) were included in the experiment with
a proportion; 1C:1M for T4, 1C:2M for T5 and 2C:1M for T3 and sole crops of
cowpea (T1) and maize (T2) included as check to compare yields of intercropped
mixtures. The experimental design was RCBD with three replications. The
treatments included seed proportions as follows 144:0 (100% cowpea), 0:144
(100% maize), 96:48 (67% cowpea: 37% maize), 72:72 (50% cowpea: 50% maize) and
48:96 (33% cowpea: 67% maize). The land was ploughed and ridged then divided
into 15 plots (3.6m x5.4m= 19.44m2 each) and 1m plot spacing, in 18.2m *22m=
400.4m2 leveled total area. Frost damaged the cowpea forage on 26th December
2011 night that Maichew meteorological station recorded -10c, after 10% pod
formation and early blooming. Based on the indigenous knowledge practices of
the surroundings, the research maize (Katumani/Beletech) termed “Arkib or
Fetino” for its fast growing yellowish small sized deemed as reliable in the
late on set and early cessation rainfall pattern and Cowpea, the multipurpose
legume was supposed to minimize the cost of production for fertilizer under
nitrogen-limiting conditions and under water-limiting conditions, so that the
requirements for maintenance of high intercrop maize yields can be defined.
Procedure, Data Collection, and Analysis
Soil sample collected diagonally
from the middle 3 rows of the plot for both pre-sowing (surface level during
bed preparation) and post harvest (from roots of the crops). Laboratory
analysis for soil and plant NPK was conducted using wet chemistry technique
while DM and Fiber contents using NIRS. Dry oven used to determine plant DM%
and other chemical analysis in 65oC for 24 hours and to analyze soil NPKs in
105oC for 24 hours. Fresh matter yield was estimated from harvesting herbage
from 3.6m x5.4m quadrant in the central rows of each plot. The dried composite
forage and grain samples from each treatment were milled to pass via a 1mm
sieve for targeted analysis. Maize and cowpea forages as well as maize grain
quality were determined in terms of percentage: - NPKs, CP, Ash, DM, ADF, NDF,
ADL, IVDMD and soil NPK analysis. Yields were assessed based on intercropping
indices as measures ratio of individual LERs, Monetary Advantage Index (MAI) an
indication of the economic values of grain and stover produced estimation,
germination rate and time to reach blooming were considered for quantitative
statistics. In each experiment, sowing was done by row method. All other
cultural management practices including (watering, thinning and weeding) were
kept normal and uniform for all the treatments.
The collected samples analyzed for
DM, CP and ash according to the procedures and NDF, ADF and ADL determined
according to the method of Van Soest, et al. [7]. For DM yield determination,
two middle rows were harvested when the maize component reached dough stage and
the harvested biomass was then be separated in to grass and legume components.
The fresh weight recorded just after partitioning and the sub samples of each
component species forced in dry oven at 65oC for 24 hours to determine the DM
content. This percentage DM used to determine herbage yield on per hectare
basis. Biological yield advantages and species compatibility of the
intercropping were assessed using LER. If LER is greater than one, then
intercropping has a yield advantage [8,9]. The chemical analysis of the feed
samples was done using the standard methods AOAC. Nitrogen was analyzed using
the Kjeldhal procedure and crude protein was determined by multiplying %N by
the factor 6.25. NDF and ADF determined by the procedures described by Goering
and Van Soest [7]. IVDMD was determined using Tilley and Terry in vitro
technique. Soil and plant NPK was determined followed by maize and cowpea plant
parts Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Samples were dried, ground and
sieved (Adesogan 2000).
Data Analyses
Data analyzed by ANOVA, Correlation
manipulated using basic statistics and LSM difference student’s t test of JMP 5
(2002). The statistical model was:- Yij=μ + Bi + Tj+ Eij,
Where, Yij=observation in block i
and treatment j, μ=Overall sample mean, Bi=Effect of block j,
Ti= Effect of treatment i, Eij =
Results and Discussion
Germination rate was more than 75%
for both crops within a week time and maize started tasseling on 3rd
month while cowpea begun blooming on the end of 4th month. In the
study plot 400m2 there have been 713 cowpea and 955 maize plants that had 1780
maize ears (1.86 ears/maize plant) of which 937 ears (52.64%) had been fruitful
bearing seeds and 5.73% out of the total maize, were also damaged by birds even
though closely guarded during early mornings and late evenings. Damaged ears
were covered using maize leaf or plastics. In both crops, sole cropping and
higher ratio of respective seed outweigh the intercropping due to minimum
inter-competition. In cowpea (Tables 1 & 2) forage yield T1 was highly
significant (p<.05) than other cowpea intercropping systems which were
likely to each other. T1 produced more DM% than in intercropping systems. T5
has the lowest cowpea DM, and shortest cowpea plant height, due to reduced
cowpea growth. Cowpea DM production in sole cropping increased with increasing
cowpea density and produced more DM compared to intercropped planting patterns.
This indicated that competition for resources in intercropping reduced cowpea
growth and also resulted in a decreased growth rates (Figure 1). The effect of
forage integration treatments on maize forage yield was significant (P<.05),
however, there was no significant difference in grain yield among the cropping
systems though treatment 5 yielded higher (5.46 ton/ha) and higher 100 maize
grains weight (24.98g), followed by treatment 4 (4.38 ton/ha) yield and 21.74g
average 100 maize grain weight; treatment 3 (3.05 ton/ha) and 21.84g average
100 maize seeds and the least in yield was actually the sole maize treatment 2
(2.24 ton/ha).as indicated in (Tables 2 & 3).
There were no remarkable differences
(P > 0.05) in maize plant height due to the intercropping, rather the maize
sole crop outweighed, followed by reducing proportion of the cowpea. Maize leaf
number/plant were 99.7% similar (p>0.05) among treatments that there was no
use of variation in cropping system, however, T4 formed significantly higher
leaf number from other treatments. Maize biomass was higher in the sole crop
followed by T5 where the seed ratio outweighed others. T4 and T3 maize biomass
was typical also (Figure 1). There was no significant (p > 0.05) difference
in maize ear length and grains/cob among the treatments. However, T4 were
significantly higher from others, both in maize ear length and grains/cob,
indicating that maize ear length determined number of grains/cob in maize
plants (Table 2).
Similar to many studies, number of
growing days in the highland (2450m.a.s.l) was supposed to reach in 3 months,
but everything delayed to 5 months. The research result agreed with Samuel and
Mesfin [10]; Diriba and Lemma [1], who reported that high biomass of maize in
sole crop, compared to their respective intercrops has been obtained due to
interspecific completion and rust damage of the maize. Maize yield reduction in
intercropped compared to T2 could be due to a higher degree of interspecific
competition in mixed stands and the absence of interspecific competition in the
sole crops similar to the investigation [5]. Results from previous studies
indicated that shade effects on growth and yield of legume crops decreased DM
yield and increased plant height [10]. Thobatsi [9] has also reported that
taller maize cultivars result in lower yield of intercropped cowpeas, compared
to shorter cultivars due to the increased shading effects. Contrary to the
studies of shade effect on the cowpea, the research enabled to determine maize
nursing effect from frost damage on cowpea (Table 1).
The increase in DM% production of
maize in intercropping compared T2 might be attributed to the fact that maize
is a more aggressive component crop in the intercropped system. Similar results
had been reported by numerous investigators [10] who found that DM production
increased when maize is intercropped relative to sole maize. Cowpea DM
production in sole cropping increased with increasing cowpea density and
produced more DM compared to intercropped planting patterns. This indicated
that competition for resources in intercropping reduced cowpea growth and also
resulted in a decrease in growth rates. Legume growth suppression by maize in
intercropping systems has been reported (Moririt et al. 2010). Maize-cowpea
intercrops reduced density and weed biomass when compared to sole crops. This
was similar with the findings of many researches [1].
In biomass, T2 dominated followed by
T5 and T4, indicating interspecific competition scenarios in between maize and
cowpea crops, which disagree with many investigators. However, maize seeds/cob
directly linked with ear length that was shown in T4 similar to Moriri, et al.
[11]. Mean grain yields for maize under intercropping were 51% less and for
cowpea 12% less than in the respective sole crops Thorne et al. [12].
Furthermore, maize stover yield was 14% lower under intercropping, although the
additional legume stover may more than compensate because of its higher
nutritive value. T4 was the best combination of component crops in intercrop
due to maize seeds per cob, ear length, cowpea plant height and biomass and
fair shade and frost effects. This combination of component crops proved to
increase crop growth rates of both crops in this study.
Sole cowpea was significantly
populated than other intercropping. T3 and T4 were likely to each other, but
value wise, T3 was more populated than T4, indicating that with increase cowpea
rows, there was an increase in cowpea population, getting freedom to compete
alone for access to water, nutrients and sun light. Practically there was great
over dominance of maize in three of the T5 replications, that cowpea plants
were out of competition. T4 was significantly different from T5, though
insignificant (P > 0.05) from T3 and T1 which, were likely to each other in
cowpea plant height. The same trend was also observed in cowpea nodule number
per plant, where T1 was exceptionally different from T5.
There was no significant (P >
0.05) difference in cowpea biomass among the intercropping systems, however,
sole cowpea had scored significantly higher biomass followed by T4 with the
least T3 (Figure 1). Cowpea plant root depth among the treatments were almost
81% similar between treatments (p>0.05) not significant but T4 was greatly
significant (P > 0.05) than T5, T3 and T1 in descending order (Table 2).
Intercropping had a consistent deleterious effect on cowpea performance, but
any competitive effects were small. Cowpea plant height positively correlated
with its biomass and number of cowpea plant/plot with nodule number, that
indicated they do affect each other. But there was no correlation in between
number of cowpea plants/plot with plant height and cowpea root depth. There was
no correlation in between number of nodule with cowpea plant height, cowpea
biomass and cowpea root depth.
Maize plants/plot was almost
perfectly positively correlated with maize biomass (0.98) & maize ear
number/ plant (0.96) that positively correlated with plant height but no
correlation with ear length, grains/cob and grain weight. Maize leaf number was
only positively correlated with plant height that indicated directly influenced
to each other, no relation with ear length, grains/ cob, ear number/plant,
grain weight and biomass. However, leaf number should be correlated with maize
biomass, which correlated with plant height. Maize plant height also positively
correlated with ear length, biomass and ear number/plant, but not correlated
with grain weight and grains/cob indicating no influence. Maize biomass was
also perfectly positively correlated with ear number/plant that directly
affected. There was weak correlation in between biomass of maize & cowpea
that there may not affect each other. Number of cowpea plants/ plot did not
affected number of maize plants/ plot that do weakly correlated, but negatively
affected maize grain weight. Nodules/ cowpea plant was negatively correlated
with maize ear length which affected number maize grains/cob.
Thobatsi [9] reported that maize
grain yield was significantly correlated to number of ears/plant and to 100
seeds weight. The planting pattern T5 has displayed lower cowpea plants
performance in height and population that contradicts with Moriri, et al. [11]
study who reported the 2rows M:4rows C pattern has the lowest cowpea dry
matter, and taller cowpea plant height, all of these being attributed to reduce
cowpea growth. In agreement with Moriri, et al. [11] study T4 pattern was the
best combination of component crops in intercrop due to higher dry matter
production. This combination of the component crops proved to increase crop
growth rates of both crops in the study. Thorne, et al. [12] reported maize
grain lower (0.5ton/ha) than the bench marked production of the study area (0.7
ton/ha) and the actual intercropped low input farming trial as reported in
(Table 3).
Indicate for the control sole cowpea
(T1) and T2 for sole maize and hence there will no data for the alternate crop.
a,b,c, letters connected by
different alphabet were significant difference ( within the same row);
Ns = not significant; SEM = Standard
error mean; 1 ton= 1000Kg; 1hectar =10000m2
Intercropping on Plant Chemical Composition
The levels of DM, IVDMD, NDF and ADF
were higher in maize than in cowpea. However, lignin, CP and ash were higher in
cowpea than maize.The interaction impact significantly (P<.05) affected in
cowpea forage composition in many of the criteria such as DM, Ash, NDF, ADF,
lignin and IVDMD in different angles. There was significant difference among the
intercropping systems that stated in their descending value, as follows: NDF%
(T3>T1>T5>T4); ADF % (T1>T5>T3>T4) and typical in CP% as well
as lignin content % (T1> T5>T4>T3), while IVDMD%
(T3>T4>T5>T1). There was marked (P <.05) effect of intercropping in
cowpea forage DM% that T5 was higher while T1 was the least.
Cowpea Ash content was also
significant (P < 0.05), and that of T4 has higher value while T3 was the
least. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in between maize leaf
and husk as well as maize grain and stem in DM% content. However, Maize leaves
were significantly higher while maize stem was the least of all. Ash content
was significantly (P < 0.05) different with higher value in maize leaf and
least in grain which was actually higher in CP% (P < 0.05; 9.86) than leaf
(6.57), husk (4.40) and stem (3.64). Interaction significantly (P < 0.01)
affected NDF content that maize stem was higher and the least in grain. Maize
husk was significantly over dominant in ADF content than stem, leaf and grain
with their descending order. There was great significant in ADF content in the
entire maize parts that maize husk has higher ADF than stem which exceeds leaf.
Grain was the least in ADF content of all the maize parts. In general, low NDF
values are desired because NDF increases as forages mature. Similar to the
general fact maize stem was significantly (p<.05, 7.87%) higher in lignin
than husk (6.62%), leaf (4.13%) and grain (1.23%). There is significant
difference in IVDMD% content from maize grain to leaf, husk and stem, that
grain was better digestible and absorbed in body tissues. Grain was the least
in ADF; husk was the highest, indicating that it is poor in digestibility
The chemical composition of the
research forage was in the range of Ethiopian forage nutritive value as stated
by Duncan [13]. In turn, cowpea also presented CP values similar to those found
in the literature. Dahmardeh [14] reported that maximum ADF (31.85%) was
recorded by sowing maize alone while increasing the proportion of cowpea seeds
to 50% in intercropping with maize, resulted in the lowest ADF (25.89%).
Intercropping of cereal and legume can improve forage quality in terms of Ash.
There was no difference in Phosphorus and IVDMD composition in maize stover and
in maize grain of DM and CP, from Duncan [13] findings, higher ADL (6.2%) than
3.98% (Table 4).
Effects on Soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents
The soil parameters did not vary
significantly (p>0.05) across treatments pre-sowing and post harvest.
However, it is worth noting that intercropped plots did not receive fertilizer,
and yet available nitrogen and phosphorus content was not significantly
different. However, there was slight difference that higher N2 and P available
pre-sowing, this indicated that total yield per unit area was improved through
intercropping without visible impact on soil nutrient status. Available
nitrogen was markedly lower and differences were less evident at the final
sampling, probably, due to the increased use of the nutrients by the improved
growth of the crops. There was significant Potassium (K) variation (p<.05)
presowing and post harvest ppm. The result in NPK ranged in medium as to recommendations.
Available potassium in the soil post harvest was diminished and higher in the
maize leaves and husks.
This coincided with Lindqvist [15]
that intercropping means sowing forage seeds usually legumes in a field where
other crops are already growing, that has an advantage of producing additional
animal feed from land that is already used, improves the feeding value of the
crop stubble and improves soil fertility. The research result coincided with
Thorne, et al. [12] who stated as stover fraction of the maize plant contains
fewer nutrients than the grain. However, the removal of stover as fodder,
construction material or fuel still represents a significant additional outflow
of nutrients from the plot.
Return of the Forage
Intercropping has improved economic
return that T5 (1C:2M) followed by treatment 4 (1C:1M) intercropping were
better to perform than treatment 2 (sole maize) and treatment 3 (2C:1M)
cropping, be it for minimum competition or to resist frost damage. Cowpea had
been crop of the lowlands, but the research trial could be witness that it
could be feasible not only for forage value but also for seed production. With
this the mono-crop was the least in terms of 100 maize grain weight and grain
yield, while treatment 5, 4 and 3 the real intercropping system intervention do
better performed in their sequential order. Forage yield was the reverse that
mono-crop (50.38 ton/ha) was significantly different followed by T5 (26.46
ton/ha), T4 (20.82 ton/ha) and lastly T3 (15.85 ton/ ha), indicating that
higher proportion of maize outweigh, due to the nature of the crop to cover a
large canopy area.
A partial budgeting model was
applied for economic-evaluation of the biological data. Both crops forage yield
and maize grain were valued at farm-gate prices (Table 5). Incremental benefit
and incremental cost for each crop treatment was calculated. The resultant
benefit cost ratio (BCR) was derived as the ratio of net incremental benefit to
incremental cost. It is the absolute marginal rate of return (or loss, if
negative) to incremental cost. BCR is the choice criterion for ranking the
alternative maize-intercrops against respective control practices. A positive
BCR implies that a particular crop treatment is economically superior (yields
positive marginal return) to the control treatment or practice, and vice versa.
The higher the positive BCR, the more economically superior the crop treatment
and vis-a-vis. From a hectare of the planting pattern 257225.60 birr was
considered as return (Table 5).
Competition (Potential) Functions
SPI= (MS / CS x CI) + MI=MI= 3.39
ton/ha, where, CS x CI=0, since cowpea was perished. The Monetary Advantage
Index (MAI) which gives an indication of the economic advantage of the
intercropping system was calculated according to Ghosh [8] as follows:
Ethiopian Birr
Economic values of grain and stover
produced was estimated based on the average prevailing prices during the time
period of the year from 3 main markets in the surroundings. Results indicated
that the overall LER was 1.45 in the mixtures indicating a yield advantage over
sole crops (Figure 2). Therefore, 45% more land should be used in sole cropping
in order to obtain the same yield of intercropping, which indicates the
superiority of the intercrops over pure stand in terms of the use of
environmental resources for plant growth. LER > 1.0 has been reported in
Eskandari [5], but LER<1 was reported in Thobatsi [9].
Conclusion and Recommendations
This study obviously suggested the
possibility of exploiting short-term forage legume-cereal rotations where
farmers could gain the benefits of forage legumes to grain production. If
developed in to an intervention that can be implemented, such approach could be
of an immense value to the animal and crop enterprises in mixed farming systems
of highlands. In conclusion, it can be safely said that intercropping has shown
its merit as a viable means of intensifying crop production, under unfertilized
conditions and biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic (frost) stresses, in the
study area. The research disapproved that crop of the lowland; cowpea could
perform well in highland, especially, with the global warming, increasing
desertification and increasing temperature.
Maize and cowpea competed well with
each other for light and nutrients in T4 mixed stand, producing a good total DM
yield with moderate protein content. Cowpea deemed crop of the lowlands, but
the research trial could be witness that it could be feasible not only for
forage value but also for seed production. The research enabled to observe,
frost damage versus intercropping that there was minimum impact on T4 of the
intercropping for maize acted as nursing crop and provided protection against
frost damage of the cowpea. Frost damage was more severe in the sole cowpea
than the intercropped case. On the other hand, the establishment of climbing by
this legume in relation to stage of maize development was vital in
intercropping providing support [16].
Birds’ damage of the cob was higher
in the sole maize for the denser population enabled to hide the birds. Frost
cowpea damage was lesser in the T5 and T4 arrangements. The overall performance
of the intercropping was better in the T4 arrangement which was the suitable
planting pattern and has the potential to increase DM yield of maize production
thereby also enhancing crop growth. In cowpea, sole cropping produced more DM
than in intercropping systems [17-20]. From this study it was found that the T4
and T3 arrangements have the potential for enhancing cowpea and maize growth
and also reducing weed growth this combination of the component crops proved to
increase crop growth rates of both crops. Maize treatment 4 indicated to have
better in CP% than other planting patterns [21].
1. Inorganic fertilizer seemed to be
an indispensable component to maximize yield output, from interventions like
2. For highest yields, plant the
targeted maize in 75 cm rows apart with in-row spacing of 30cm,
3. Favourable seasons for better
grain and forage yields of both crops as well as chemical composition during
scarcity of green feeds should be researched
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