Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Open Acces Food and Science journal - Lupine Publishers

Nutritional Factors and Three Most Prevalent Types of Osteoarthritis Arthritis - A Short Review by Jai S Ghosh in Scholarly Journal of Food and Nutrition (SJFN) - Lupine Publishers

The word arthritis indicates pain in joints in the body. It is because in the joints the two bones are separated by a soft tissue which mostly cartilaginous in nature. Its only when this soft tissue is degenerated then the two ossified bones rubs against each other to generate pains. This is the simplest form of explanation for arthritis [1]. Therefore, one can note that the disease is a degenerative disease. There are different reasons for such a degeneration of the soft tissue. One of the most common reason when the degeneration occurs in the hip joints or in the knee joints is because of overweight of the body which is borne on these two types of joints for a long time leading to gradual degeneration of the soft tissue at these joints. Some time due excessive physical work like lifting of heavy loads can also result in degeneration over a period. Ultimately the last but not the least reason is that the degeneration is due to an autoimmune condition when the immune system of the body destroys this soft tissue in the joints. This condition is called as rheumatoid arthritis [2]. The other two reasons stated prior to this leads to what is known as osteoarthritis. The third arthritis that one often sees is due to deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints leading to inflammation of the joints and this is the gout related arthritis [3]. The suffering (mostly the excruciating pain) is further aggravated by psychological conditions in many elderly people when patients are living an isolated solitary life with nobody nearby [4]

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